Cold Remedies

Cold Remedies

As I write this post, I am sick with a bad cold and I have been out of the office for two days. My throat hurts, my sinuses are congested, and my nose won’t stop running - gross! Clearly, this photo does not depict my current health status. It seems as though everyone around me is getting sick. As the winter temperatures drop and people travel for the holidays, germs spread more easily and colds become more common. Here are my tips and tricks for avoiding and getting over a cold this holiday season.

How to avoid getting sick:

  • Lots of rest: Getting good sleep is one of the best ways to prevent a winter cold. If everyone around you is catching a cold, try adding an extra hour of sleep to help strengthen your immune system.

  • Avoid germs (especially traveling): Wash your hands often and avoid touching your face. Use wet wipes on work spaces, airplane seats, and frequently used surfaces.

  • Add vitamin C: Eating oranges, taking Emergen-C and adding lemon to water are my favorite ways to get a little extra vitamin C in my diet.

  • Take a probiotic: Probiotics help maintain a healthy digestive track and a strong immune system. I take the Renew Life ones daily.

  • Get the flu shot: I got the flu last year and it sucked. It would have been so much worse had I not gotten the flu shot.

If you’re already sick:

  • Hydrate: Drink tons of water and fluids. My favorite cold remedy is ginger tea with lemon and honey. This combination soothes my sore throat. Staying hydrated can help loosen congestion and help bring down a fever.

  • Add moisture to the air: Plugging in a humidifier and taking a steam shower can reduce stuffiness and ease dry nasal passages.

  • Take naps: Help your body fight the cold by getting as many ZZZs as possible.

  • Eat lots of fruits and veggies: Add good sources of vitamin C to your diet. Maintaining good nutrition will help boost your immune system and help you feel better faster.

  • Stay at home if possible: Avoid getting coworkers and classmates sick. No one wants to be around a coughing, feverish person.

My 5 favorite products to fight a cold:

  1. I just got this Honeywell humidifier and it is so efficient.

  2. Yogi Ginger Tea is the best. I drink it every morning and multiple times a day when I’m sick.

  3. Cepacol Throat Lozenges are my favorite to soothe my sore throat.

  4. I always keep Wet Wipes on hand when I’m getting sick.

  5. This is my all time favorite sleep eye mask to help with taking naps.

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